Bond Lee started his Magic Journey at “The Chavez Studio of Magic, USA”.
During his study of magic, he immersed himself into the world of mystery.
He has the chance of learning directly from those great Masters.
Graduated from USA, he consequently and actively participated in Magic Contest around Asia.
His footprints come across China, Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, Korea and Japan respectively.
He made his appearance in Hong Kong first TV magic competition program “Magic Ring”, and won the grand champion title. Afterward he appeared on TV program “Street Sorcerers” season 1 & 2, this made Bond became one of the most popular magicians in Hong Kong.
In 2012, Bond and his partner started Magiclism Entertainment Ltd., engaging
the business of performance. In 2013, Bond built the first magic school in
Hong Kong, the “Hong Kong Magic School” and after one year H.K.M.S. became
one of the most well known magic academy in both Hong Kong & China. In
2014, Bond created a magic product brand calls “Magiclism Store”, and soon
become one of the most outstanding magic brands internationally.
Bond 畢業於香港浸會大學國際學院。於求學時期醉心魔術, 畢業後到美國唯一魔術學院Chavez Studio of Magic進修,成為該學院絕無僅有的香港畢業生。
Bond 曾代表香港到英國、意大利、中國、台灣、韓國及日本比賽,獲得多個國際級獎項。2011 在TVB「魔法擂台」中贏得了總冠軍並獲得了「魔王之王」的稱號,及後參加兩季TVB電視節目「街頭魔法王」中擔崗演出,廣獲好評。
2012年Bond和他的拍檔創立了「魔法主義有限公司」,進軍表演製作。2013年創辦了香港首家魔術學院「香港魔術學院 H.K.M.S.」,現在H.K.M.S. 是香港及中國最有名的魔術學院。2014年Bond創立了魔術產品品牌「Magiclism Store」,致力開發優質原創魔術產品,現在這品牌已在國際上得到廣泛肯定。
世界魔術大賽F.I.S.M. 香港代表 | Hong Kong Representative World Champion of Magic
亞洲魔術大賽冠軍 | 1st Prize Asia Magic Competition
TVB「魔法擂台」總冠軍 | 1st Prize Hong Kong TV Show “Magic Ring”
香港舞台公開賽冠軍 | 1st Prize Hong Kong Magic Association Stage Magic Competition
粵港澳台魔術大賽金獎 | Gold Award G.H.M.T. Magic Competition
台灣TMA 魔術比賽特別獎 | Special Prize Taiwan Magic Association Stage Magic Competition
日本「日本海」魔術比賽特別獎 | Special Prize “Sea of Japan” Magic Competition
曼魔術節優勝者 | Winner Bangkok International Magic Extravaganza Stage Contest
國際魔術節優勝者 | Winner International Magic Festival Stage Magic Competition
馬來西亞魔術節優勝者 | Winner Malaysia Magic Extravaganza Magic Competition